Online Learning Resources

“Singing empowered me to define and validate my sense of self-worth. This is why I teach! I want to give a gift that keeps on giving and empowers youth to practice self-validation. In a world where image can often supersede one’s authentic self, the Gift Of Song can fill in the blanks.” – Erica Merritt

Especially in challenging times, art and expression — both its creation and its appreciation — tell us some truth about ourselves, about what it means to be a human being. We need to protect that. Thank you for your continued love and support during this time! Below, our incredible teaching artists offer online lessons, step-by-step instruction, and simple activities that you can do remotely:

Coloring Books

Hip Hop Coloring Booklet created by Maria Luisa Guillen Valdovinos

Simple Printout Coloring Booklet created by Adam Collet

Simple Printout Coloring Booklet II created by Adam Collet

Community Wellness Coloring Booklet created by teaching artist Maria Luisa Guillen Valdovinos

Arts Integration

The Revolution Will Be Televised created by Greg Thornton

9 Art Activities on Gratitude [Las actividades en español] created by Adam Collet, Aishé Keita, Cecelia DeLeon, Maria Luisa Guillen Valdovinos, Erica Merritt, Meredith Arena, and Carina A. del Rosario

8 Projects That You Can Do To Heal Through Art [Las actividades en español] created by Erica Merritt, Maria Luisa Guillen Valdovinos, Cecelia DeLeon, Aishé Keita, and Adam Collet

10 Activities Reflecting on Community Through Art [Las actividades en español] created by Aishé Keita, Cecelia DeLeon

10 ‘STEAM: Art with Science & Math’ Projects [Las actividades en español] created by Adam Collet and Maria Luisa Guillen Valdovinos

R.E.A.C.T. – Reach Express Action Community Team – an activism through art exploration with Greg Thornton. Click here to see the final yearbook!


Iridescence Project created by teaching artist Jiéyì Ludden

Visual Art

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Pattern Frame Project by Cecelia DeLeon [en inglés y en español] 

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Local Community Maps by Cecelia DeLeon [en inglés y en español] 

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Family Portrait created by Cecelia DeLeon [en inglés y en español]

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Cubism Self-Portrait Practice created by Cecelia DeLeon [en inglés y en español]

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Collage Postcard Activity created by Cecelia DeLeon [en inglés y en español]

10 Simple & Engaging Art Projects created by teaching artist Sabrina Chacon-Barajas. [La guía en español]

10 Art Activities You Can Do From Home Right Now created by teaching artist Sabrina Chacon-Barajas. [La guía en español]

Step-by-Step Printmaking Activity created by teaching artist Carina A. del Rosario

Happy Hand Project created by teaching artist Veronica Bowen

Magazine Mosaics created by teaching artist Greg Thornton

Optical Illusion Art Project with Greg Thornton

Patterned Frames Project with Carina A. del Rosario

Visual Poetry Lesson with Meredith Arena

Creative Paper Quilts Project with teaching artist Carina A. del Rosario


Reflecting on Community Through Art: Ubuntu Poetry Activity by Aishé Keita [en inglés y en español] 

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Creating a Character Project by Aishé Keita [en inglés y en español]

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Inspired Statues with Aishé Keita [en inglés y en español] 

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Playwriting with Aishé Keita [en inglés y en español] 


Exploration of Rhyme Schemes led by teaching artist Erica Merritt

Fun & Easy Abecedarian Poem Exercise Worksheet by teaching artist Meredith Arena

Music and Dance

Reflecting on Community Through Art: Choreography by Aishé Keita (en inglés y en español)

Exploring Energies in Dance with teaching artist Hayley Shannon

Beat Battle Exercise with teaching artist Aaron Walker-Loud