2014-15 Annual Report


As the year comes to a close, we hope you’ll take a moment to check out our 2014-15 Annual Report: “Risk Takers, Makers and Culture Shakers,” which you may have received in the mail recently. In it, you’ll read 5 stories of the impact the arts have had on the lives of Hollis Wong-Wear, TJ Paaga, Lashaunycee O’Cain, Nemith Phum and Tien Vo. You’ll read about break dancers, teachers, poets and musicians–what motivates and inspires them, and why the arts are such a big part of their lives.

Photos by Stefanie Felix Photography

We hope you will be inspired by their stories, and consider the role the arts have played in your own life. You’ll also see links to our 2014-15 financial and program evaluation reports, an updated list of our teaching artists, and recognition of our donors from the 2014-15 fiscal year.

Thanks for being a part of the Arts Corps community! It is your support that makes our work possible.


With deep gratitude,


All of us at Arts Corps


PS: Help Arts Corps cultivate more powerful, creative experiences in 2016 by making a donation today. Your gift at any level makes a big difference.