Fiscal Year 2023 Q&A

   Pie Chart: Earned Income 21.50%, Individual Contributions 26.20%, Grants 52.30%Pie Chart: Programs 57%, Fundraising 16.20%, General and Admin 26.80%


When is your fiscal year?
The fiscal year at Arts Corps is from July 1 to June 30. That means the numbers in our annual report are only reflective of the first half of 2023 (January through June). 

Why were Arts Corps’ Expenditures more than our Revenue in 2023?
Like many organizations in our community, transitioning out of the pandemic has presented many challenges. In 2022 and 2023 Arts Corps experienced a transition in leadership, a changing funding climate, and the need to address pay equity issues for our staff and Teaching Artists.  For our fiscal year, this meant we took time in addressing these challenges and crafting a plan to build back more sustainably with new leadership. Arts Corps also canceled our signature fundraising event in early 2023 during this period of transition.

What are Arts Corps’ plans to balance our finances in 2024?
In the second half of 2023 and into 2024, we are building back a set of sustainable programming, rebuilding relationships with our community partners, funders and donors and investing in infrastructure and reporting that will allow us report on our total program costs more accurately, which in turn will support funding our programs for long-term sustainability.

If all Arts Corps programs are free to youth, where does the “Earned Income” come from?
Although funding for arts programming within school districts is often limited, many schools we work with do have access to funds that cover part of the cost of arts programming.  No costs are ever passed onto students and we work hard to partner with other funders to provide arts programming in schools and school districts that don’t have access to any arts funding.

How can I contribute to Arts Corps?
As you can see, individual contributions are an important part of Arts Corps financial ecosystem and wellbeing. This is why every gift matters! If you would like support our work, you can make a one-time donation here or you can become part of our Culture Club, our group of monthly donors. All donations to Arts Corps are tax deductible.