by:Ilham M
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[[Start Game]]
The country side of Utah is not safe anymore. People are robbing eachother and the cops are not doing anything about it. Make your way to the city.
Do you want to take a train or uber to the city?
[[uber]] <img src="">
The train is so loud and busy. You should've took the uber. Wait why is this guy talking to you? Do you know him?
[[Talk to him]]
Ouuu this car is nice!And he's playing my favorite song!
[[listen to the song]]
[[Leave]]Finally! You made it to the city. Now you have to find a new home. I'm going to guide you through out the way!
[[Walk around the city!]]
"Where are you coming from?"
you: "Country."
"Dang thats pretty far, why you coming to the city? Do you know someone here? Are you looking for a place to stay? I could help you my names Micheal."
Umm DON'T answer, lets go.
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Welcome to salt lake city, beautiful isnt it! Anyways, lets not get distracted. It's almost sunset and you need somewhere to sleep. Let's try to find a abandonded house, where no ones going to find you.
Where do you want to look?
[[nice neighborhood]]
<img src="" width"700" height"690">
Keep an eye out for houses with grafiti or wood covering the windows. Thats what we need to look for...
[[30 minutes later]]<img src="" width"700" height"690">
This is gonna be harder than downtown but ok. Try to find an abandoned house. I'll come back to you later...
[[30 minutes later]] You still didn't find anything??? Wow this is gonna take longer than i tho-
Oh my gosh look over there to your left! That's exactly what you need! Go walk inside
[[walk into the abandoned house]]<img src="" width="700" height="690">
OOF, this house has a horrible smell. But it's better to sleep here than the street go upstairs.
[[go upstairs]]So many creeks... wait do you hear that? SOMEONES IN THAT ROOM.
[[listen to what he's saying]]"Hey STOP moving, i told you too many times. If you move again your dead."
*muffled whimps*
[[help hostage]]*opens door*
you: "Hey leave her alone!"
"Who the heck are you?? You don't wan't to get yourself into this. Trust me, leave before it gets ugly"
you:" Your not going to do anything. And i'm not leaving until you free her!"
"hahahahaha. Ok you asked for it."
*repeated punching back and forth*
[[GET UP AND RUN!!!!]]keep running? He's chasing you!
Whats wrong with you why would you try to fight him if you couldn't fight?
Don't try to catch a breath he's literally right behind you.
"I'm going to get you, you can't run from me. Hahahahah!"
*continuous yelling*
[[Turn on this corner]]Jeez, that was a close one. Next time lets not try that again.
Ok i guess we have to find another house now.
I know a perfect spot, [[follow me...]]Don't get mad, i forgot to tell you this earlier but i know a place where no one will find you and it's pretty clean for an abandonded house. The only thing is your going to need to steal a car to get there because buses, trains, and ubers don't drive there, it's too far.
[[steal a car]]<img src="" width="700" height="690">
Oouu you see that car over there? Thats super nice, get that one!!
[[push out driver]]You didn't have to drop her. Ok turn here and go straight until i tell you
[[turn left]]
[[turn right]]Ok we're almost there..
Park right here it's the red house
[[go inside red house]]We're almost there.
Park right here it's the green house
[[go to green house]]Go to the kitchen there should be something on the table.
you: "Theres nothing on the kitch-."
*head bangs on kitchen table*
What an idiot trusting me hahaha, on to the next!
THE ENDGo into the kitchen there should be something on the table.
*sees stack of cash*
you: "Thanks for helping me i couldn't have done it without you."
No worries i told you, you'd thank me later. Until we meet again.
THE END<img src="" width="700" height="690">
OH NOOOO.Your neighborhood has been destroyed. Everything you once knew is different. You have to find a new shelter!
[[start your quest]]