This story is set in Amsterdam, in a little black house.
By: Romi S.
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Pick your name:
(input-box:2bind $playerName,"=XX=",1,"player name")
[[Chapter 1]]
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$playerName returns home and immediately goes to the closet . They are searching and searching for the glowing light. They look inside all the game boxes, behind the shelves and on the floor. They see and hear nothing...
[[Continue |chapter 2 part 1]]It is a normal day for $playerName, they are getting ready for the day, just like any other. $playerName got dressed and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to grab a small bite before leaving the house. $playerName then walked towards the door with a bannana in hand, ready to leave for the store, when they heard a noise coming from the game closet.
[[Go to the game closet| choice 1]]
[[Continue to walk out the door| Choice#2]] $playerName walks over to the game closet and sees nothing, but they do hear the faint sound of waves. $playerName didn't think much of it so they close the door and walk out of the house.
[[Continue| Choice#2]]
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$playerName walks out the door and sees an old lady who lives across the street, on her porch.
[[Say hi to old lady |choice 2]]
[[Continue walking|Choice 1]]The old lady replies with "Have a great day dear, and check the closet." $playerName is a little confused. What is the old lady talking about? Could she be talking about the game closet?
[[Go back to the closet|Chapter 2]]
[[Continue to the store|Choice 1]]$playerName continues walking down the street, towards the local grocery store. $playerName walks through the sliding doors, grabs a small basket and starts shopping for a few things.
[[Chapter 2]] $playerName is about to the close the closet door when they see a faint light show up, and they can hear the waves of the ocean. $playerName is removing everything, now trying to find where it is coming from. At last they find the light, its coming from an old dusty game, that was shoved in the back.
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[[They grab the game and open it| option 1]]
[[They grab the game and put it under your bed to look at later|option2]]They quickly open the box...
[[But Then|Chapter 2 part 2]]$playerName quietly walks the game upstairs to put under their bed. $playerName hears their dad call their name to help with dinner.
[[Yell back they have homework to do|op 1]]
[[Walk down stairs and help with dinner|op2]]When $playerName opens the box they see the core of the glowing light, which is a greenish color. They start to hear the faint sounds of the ocean now, so $playerName is even more curious, what is this? $playerName's curiosity took over and they stuck their hand in the old game box...
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[[Chapter 2 part 3]]OOOHHHOOO NOOOOOOO. $playerName screeeeeems. They are getting sucked in, what kind of game is this? $playerName hears something drop behing them its their shoes hitting the floor.
[[End up in water| pick 1]]
[[End up on the sand| option 2]] $playerName is scared and curious. Wondering where they are and how this happened.
[[Get up and head towards the boardwalk|chapter 3 part 1]]$playerNamer is sitting and facing the ocean and sun, you can clearly hear the waves now, it's beautiful.
[[chapter 3]]
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$playerName slowly opens their eyes they feel something on their legs and feet, its the ocean waves. Now they can really hear the waves crashing. They walk back to the sandy shore ahead of them and sit down.
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[[chapter 3]]
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$playerName heads over to the board walk. The board walk goes over a little streem of water and towards some shops on the other side. $playerName puts one foot on it and then another but it feels weird, uncumfotable $playerName thinks nothing of it because they are barefoot right now.
[[Continue|Chapter 3 part 2]]$playerName reaches for the string while they are falling. They grab it and hold on tight, everything starts to turn. They get dizzy and BAMMMMM they are knocked out.
[[Open their eyes|opt1]]$playerName is still falling. This time it feels like a longer fall, maybe farther away than before . They still have time to pull the string.
[[Pull string before its gone|number 1]]
[[Continue falling|op3]]$playerName hears a loud crack, they look down and see the board walk breaking, but they don't see anything underneath. Suddenly $playerName is falling once again, but $playerName sees something this time it's a string...
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[[Pull on string|number 1]]
[[Keep falling|number 2]]$playerName's dad responds with "Okay dinner will be ready soon though" $playerName is sitting there contemplating whether or not to open the game.
[[Open game box|Chapter 2 part 2]]
[[Change mind and walk down stairs to help their dad.|op2]]They walk down the stairs ready to help their dad with food prep, when $playerName 's dad asks them to take a photo for their mom. $playerName relizes their phone is up stairs, so they walk up to find it. When they opne the door the glowing ligt has filled their room.
[[Curiosity takes over and opens box...|Chapter 2 part 2]]$playerName opens their eyes and sees all the games boxes open and thrown on the floor. They have retuned safely. They hear a soft voice say "Thank you for playing." Is it coming from the Little Black House?
[[Try Again|Start Story]] THUMMMPPP.$playerName lands in the most beautiful green grass they have ever seen. They are surrounded by beautiful flowers and grass. In the distance they can see the figure of ...
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The Little Black House,$playerName lives in.
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[[Try Again|Start Story]]