<img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-3-scaled.jpg" width="500" height="500">
[[follow Sam and JJ]]
[[Ignore for now]]
<audio src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay>everyone was panicking, and Amal was looking for her sister. the police station is near to the camp. so, Amal takes her phone and rushes to call the cops. As soon as she hangs up, she sees her friend Sam and JJ running from the river.
[[follow Sam and JJ]]
[[find your sister]]
<audio src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay><img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-13-scaled.jpg" width="600" height="600">
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/hope-music_colloge.mp3" loop autoplay>
[[play again|cover]]<img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-14-scaled.jpg" width="600" height="600">
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/hope-music_colloge.mp3" loop autoplay>
[[play again|cover]]<img src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2-2chapter_pic-scaled.jpg" width="500" height"500">
[[to the camp|friday night]]
[[meet your friends]]
[[play game]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-maasai-camp-naturesounds-africa.wav" loop autoplay>her sister Noor was crying, she said "why..." paused then looked Sam in the eyes and said "why me? Sam why?" Sam didn't talk at all she held Noor and comferted her, while JJ was whispring something to Noor. after that whisper Noor says " no... i can't. you can't do this, YOU CAN'T!" Sam again holds Noor and tells JJ to leave.
Amal left but she forgot her bag at where she was hiding. she comes back and sees her sister.
[[what happened on friday night]]
[[follow JJ]]
[[what happened to Noor]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg"loop autoplay>Amal goes to the cafeteria with her sister and friend. they get some food. Amal excuses herself to go to the restroom and goes to back room instead. she looks around. she founds Sam's costume bag, and an axe was in there. it was cover by blood. this axe was the one JJ had, but the axe is real one and not fake?
[[after a week]]
[[what happened on friday night]]
[[follow Noor, sam and JJ]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay>Amal asks the staffs about her sister. the staffs start to look for her. after 30 min, Sam and Noor Amal's sister come from the back room. Amal goes to them and says, "there you are!!" and hugs both. her sister was sobbing, Amal looks at Sam and asks "what happened to you Noor? why are you crying" she doesn't answer. Sam rushes and says "nothing...uhm. nothing! right Noor?" Noor looks at Sam before she says anything. after a pause she says "yes. nothing?!I am crying because..." and Sam rushes again and says, "she is crying for Asia!" Amal doesn't trust her friend Sam. she looks at her sister and looks at the room. Sam runs to the staff and yells "faster Amal! Noor you too"
[[go to back room]]
<audio src= " " loop autoplay>the closing party was fun and loud. Amal and her friends played games all most of the night. the party was crowded, and everyone was having a good time. the night was long, and it became longer when the body of the team leader was found by the river.
[[go to river]]
[[call the cops]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-maasai-camp-naturesounds-africa.wav" loop autoplay>
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/fireplace_colloge.wav" loop autoplay><img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-4-scaled.jpg">
you only have one choise and it is to [[ask Sam why she is worried]] so you can get more information. Noor slept as she was watching the stars. she wakes up by an argument. it was between Asia and JJ, Sam was there too. NooR hides and listens. they were arguing about the leadreship and the counsil. as they talk Sam was playing with the stone axe. accedantly she dropes in the river. the argu is still going and JJ's tember is unimaginable. he takes the stone axe and...tries to hit Asia but sam stand between them as she talks and clam's JJ she tooks the axe from him and throws behind her. Noor yells "Noooo!"
[[ask Sam |try]]
[[ask Noor about the story]]
[[take a minute|try]]Sam and JJ go to the back room. JJ has a bag. it was the bag Sam has paired with her costume, but this time it seems heviaier. the fake stone hand axe that JJ had, is not with him too!?
amal asks whisperys to herslef "something is up with these two and i will find it" and she goes back to under the tree, where everyone are waiting for the info.
as soon as Amal goes her sister apears with Sam and JJ!
[[Ignore for now]]
[[call the cops]]
<audio src= " " loop autoplay><img src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-1-scaled.jpg" width="500" height="500">
[[to the camp|friday night]]
[[play game]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-maasai-camp-naturesounds-africa.wav"autoplay>. Amal ignores what she witnessed, and you doubt about her friend’s trust. she helps reorganize the camp and give her word to the cops. she wanted to find her sister and go to sleep. this night will be a long night and they need to rest for tomorrow.
[[find your sister]]
[[follow Sam and JJ]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/hope-music_colloge.mp3" loop autoplay><img src = "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/title-page_pic-scaled.jpg" width="600" height="600">
we welcome you [[the camp]] <img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/welcome-page-scaled.jpg" width= "500" height= "700">
to start click [[here|title]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/caveman.wav" autoplay>
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/river_colloge.wav" loop autoplay>
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/wind_colloge.wav" loop autoplay>
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/fireplace_colloge.wav" loop autoplay>
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/fireplace_colloge.wav" loop river"<img src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/back_ground-2-scaled.jpg">
[[start again|title]]
[[to the camp|friday night]]
[[meet your friends]]
<audio src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay>Amal knows that her friend would trust her with anything. therefore, she asks directly. Sam knows that Noor will eventually tell her sister about what happened, and she knows that Amal will never give up her investigation. therefore, she confesses that while she was calming JJ she accidently hit Asia on the head by the stone axe and how JJ got a real axe even though it was not allowed.
[[this is too much|the second ending]]
[[what to do|the frist ending]]
[[take a minute|try]]Asia was tried and she wanted to take a walk. she went alone but the person she had conflicts with was always watching her. that person wishes to take what is her's and she/he desbias Asia. when she left the party, no one notieced because it was crowded. anyhow Noor was sitting outside waching the stars undre the three where we were playing game, when the party started. she saw who killed the leader. Amal's sister is in danger!
[[what happened to Noor]]
[[after a week]]
<audio src="https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay>this is the wrong path! you can't solve a problem. please click [[here|cover]] to restart!
<audio src=""autoplay>Noor was very afraid to hide anything from her sister, but she was able to keep her silence for a while. after a week of nightmares and Missouri. she finally decides to tell her sister what happened if Amal asks. Amal is not person that gives up so soon. the whole she spent gathering information. it was her friends and sister, but it was them who wanted to keep this secret from her. Saturday afternoon she turns on her voice memos to record what Noor has to say, since she won't have the courage to report. Amal goes up to her Sister and asks about that night without second thought Noor tells everything she Knows.
[[take a minute|try]]
[[the next day|the second ending]]
<audio src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg" loop autoplay>
[[try|cover]] again!after a week... everyone went to their home's
[[what happened to Noor]]
[[ask Sam why she is worried]]
<audio src= "https://artscorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/AMIRAS-__riviere-river.ogg " loop autoplay>