Game designed by Alexia Chenault
Maurice,(who you will be playing) is apart of a collective organization called climate change initiative. He must persuade others to make good decisions by not using toxic gases and to keep the other citizens alive.
[[Information ]]
[[The problem]]
[[Climate change initiative]]
<audio src=""autoplay>In the begining, year 2068 based in Missouri. Trees and plants were nearly extinct. trees are needed for everyday life to provide humans with oxygen but thanks to humans years ago to now. Greenhouse gases have increased causing poor air polution, And an increase in deaths.
[[The problem]]
<audio src=""autoplay>2 men named William and David run the biggest powerplant that uses tons of toxic gases, including carbon and fossil fuels. they contribute to 85% of the poor air quality in the state of Missouri.
[[Your partner in crime/ Guard Dogs Name]]
<audio src=""autoplay><img src="">
Choose guard dogs name:
(input-box:2bind $DogsName,"=XX=")
[[The deceased]] <img src=>"
As you (maurice) walk through a field of weeds, thorns, stickerbushes on a dark rainy day with your n-95 mask on because of poor air quality. your guard dog $DogsName dashes a few miles up ahead. you call after them but $DogsName continues to run. you chase after $DogsName with a flashlight inhand unitl $DogsName comes to a corner and stops. $DogsName notices a stack of something in a ditch.$DogsName runs over to the ditch and smells the stack. You smell something from the distance aswell so you follow behind $DogsName. The smell was almost like human wastes. Maurice kneeles down and notices there are a male and a female on the ground who were dead.
[[Report the bodies]]
[[Leave them there and let someone else discover them]]The climate change initiative is a government operated organization that works towards completely getting rid of toxic gases that can negatively effect living organisms. The climate change initiative works with the government to sign laws put in place for the people to stop the toxic gases.
[[The problem]]
<audio src=""autoplay>You made a great choice, you reported the dead bodies to the Missouri police and they put everyone on a 48 hour curfew. That means no one can leave there house for 2 days because of the air quality and the police want to do an invistigation.
[[The next step]] <img src=">"
The officials find the bodies, they see shoe prints on the ground and think its suspicious. they invistigate to see if its a homocide.
[[The next step]] The police investigated the case and evidence showed no signs of trauma. The air quality was tested in the area and its around 150. That is deadly and inhaled it can poisen your lungs. You go to your office and you take notes, you set goals and things that can help prevent more deaths. As we look in the data base of death rates, the population of Missouri is already decreasing but people fail to realize it. The factory nearby comes to mind, the smoky haze is always in the air when you take a look outside. You create a petitiion for locals in the Missouri area to fill out which says ''ways to shut down local powerplant'' you get many people to sign it in the community.
[[Go to the city hall and present to them the petition and the law you want to put in place]]
[[let the offcials deal with it]]
great choice, they like the idea of what path your on
[[City hall reviews petition]]
The officials deal with it, but they are starting to believe its impossible to stop people from using greenhouse gases.
[[City hall reviews petition]] <img src="">
They review the petition that you created, you got over 400 signatures and they take it into consideration. Although the government officials believe its not just the factories fault for the toxic gas emissions, its the peoples fault too. They said if you can persuade both sides to change their ways then they would give you funds to go towards your goals.
[[go to william and davids factory to persuade them to stop using toxic gases]]
[[start of with a speech at the community center]]<img src="">
You go to the factory and you tell them about how their factory is close to the community and the smoke contributes to the deaths lately. They keep disagreeing and saying they arent going to stop their business. You show them the energy effecient pods, which are panels activitated by sunlight to create electrcity without the harmful toxins and wasted energy. but they say "it will effect there business and their merchandise.''
[[start of with a speech at the community center]]
[[The final choice]] you say your speech about how toxic gas emmisions are ruining the climate especially in Missouri and people are dying from lung poisining, you tell them you have funding for energy effecient pods, which are basically electrical boxes powered by sunlight to keep electricity on. They agree with the idea, but about but some disagree.
[[go to william and davids factory to persuade them to stop using toxic gases]]
[[The final choice]] You have 70 percent of people on board and 30 percent still want to continue using greenhouse gases because they believe it will effect there day to day lives and buisness. Its going to be tough knowing that only 70% is on your side of using energy efficient products. sadly death rates will continiue to rise with the 30% of people using it along with the factory using most of the greenhouse gases
[[15 years later]]
<audio src=""autoplay><img src="">
You have died, after all your hard work and dedication to this planet and your city everyone as a whole died from continuing to use toxic gases and soon enough one big haze of smoke wiped everyone out. No one was safe, the toxins got into everyones lungs including yours.
[[start over|Introduction-The main character]]